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iglidur® G1 - Material data

Technical data

General specificationsUnitiglidur® G1Testing method
Colour grey 
Max. moisture absorption at 23 °C/50% r.h.% weight0,2DIN 53495
Max. total moisture absorption% weight1,7 
Coefficient of friction, dynamic, against steelµ0,10 - 0,29 
pv value, max. (dry)MPa · m/s0,60 

Mechanical properties
Flexural modulusMPa11.486DIN 53457
Flexural strength at +20°CMPa178 
Compressive strengthMPa115 
Max. recommended surface pressure (+20°C)MPa91 
Shore-D hardness 81DIN 53505

Physical and thermal properties
Max. application temperature long-term°C+180 
Max. application temperature short-term°C+220 
Min. application temperature°C-40 
Thermal conductivity[W/m · K]0,25ASTM C 177
Coefficient of thermal expansion (at +23 °C)[K-1 · 10-5]3,7DIN 53752

Electrical properties
Specific volume resistanceΩcm> 109DIN IEC 93
Surface resistanceΩ> 109DIN 53482

Table 01: Material properties table

Diagram 01: Permitted pv values for iglidur® G1 Diagram 01: Permissible pv values for iglidur® G1 plain bearing with a wall thickness of 1 mm dry operation against a steel shaft at +20°C, mounted in a steel housing.
X-axis = surface speed [m/s]
Y-axis = load [MPa]
The requirement profile is demanding: Comprehensive further development of the successful all-round classic iglidur® G. This has been achieved above all with regard to moisture absorption, thermal specifications and consistently improved wear resistance. Only with shock, impact and edge loads, the robustness of iglidur® G could not quite be achieved.

Surface pressure Diagram 02: Recommended maximum surface pressure of a function of temperature (91 MPa at +20 °C)
X = Temperature [°C]
Y = Load [MPa]

Mechanical properties

With increasing temperatures, the compressive strength of iglidur® G1 plain bearings decreases. The diagram 02 shows this inverse relationship. With the long-term permitted application temperature of +180°C, the permitted surface pressure still amounts to 40 MPa. The recommended maximum surface pressure is a mechanical material parameter. No conclusions regarding the tribological properties can be drawn from this.
Deformation under load and temperatures Diagram 03: Deformation under pressure and temperature
X = Load [MPa]
Y = Deformation [%]
Diagram 03 shows the elastic deformation of iglidur® G1 at radial loads. The plastic deformation is minimal up to a pressure of approximately 100MPa. However, it is also dependent on service time.

Maximum running speed


Table 02: Maximum surface speeds

Permissible surface speeds

iglidur® G1 has been developed for low to medium surface speeds. The maximum values shown in table 03 can only be achieved at low pressures. At the given speeds, friction can cause a temperature increase to the maximum continuously permissible level. In practice, though, this level is rarely reached due to varying application conditions.

iglidur® G1Application temperature
Max. long-term+180°C
Maximum, short-term+220°C
In addition secure axially from+120°C

Table 03: Temperature limits


The ambient temperatures strongly influence the properties of plain bearings. The temperatures prevailing in the bearing system also have an influence on the wear. With increasing temperatures, the wear increases and this effect is significant when temperatures rise over +120°C. For temperatures over 120°C an additional securing of the bearings in the housing is required.

Coefficients of friction surface speed Diagram 04: Coefficient of friction as a function of the surface speed, p = 1MPa
X = Surface speed [m/s]
Y = Coefficient of friction μ
Coefficients of friction, load Diagram 05: Coefficient of friction as a function of the pressure, v = 0.01m/s
X = Load [MPa]
Y = Coefficient of friction μ

Friction and wear

The coefficient of friction μ of a plain bearing among other factors is influenced by the surface speed and the load (diagrams 04 and 05).
iglidur® G1DryGreasesOilWater
C. o. f. µ0,13 - 0,320,090,040,04

Table 04: Coefficient of friction against steel
(Ra = 1 µm, 50 HRC)

Wear, rotating application with different shaft materials Diagram 06: Wear, rotating with different shaft materials, pressure, p = 1MPa, v = 0.3m/s
X = Shaft material
Y = Wear [μm/km]

Shaft materials

The friction and wear are also dependent, to a large degree, on the shaft material. Shafts that are too smooth, increase both the coefficient of friction and the wear of the bearing. For iglidur® G1 a ground surface with an average surface finish Ra = 0.8 µm is recommended. Diagram 06 shows results of testing different shaft materials with plain bearings made from iglidur® G1. It can be observed that iglidur® G1 achieves good to very good wear results with all shaft materials. The results for stainless steel types are most likely slightly lower. Diagram 07 compares the wear in rotating and pivoting applications. As with many of the iglidur® materials, wear rate is better in pivoting applications.
Wear for oscillating and rotating Diagram 07: Wear for oscillating and rotating applications with shaft material Cf53 hardened and ground steel, as a function of the load
X = Load [MPa]
Y = Wear [μm/km]

Alcohol+ up to 0
Greases, oils without additives+
Diluted acids0 to -
Strong acids-
Diluted alkalines+
Strong alkalines0
+ resistant      0 limited resistance      - non-resistant
All information given at room temperature [+20°C]
Table 04: Chemical resistance

Moisture absorption

The moisture absorption of iglidur® G1 plain bearings in ambient conditions is approximately 0.2 % weight. The saturation limit in water is 1.7 %weight. This must be taken into account for these types of applications.

Radiation resistance

Plain bearings made from iglidur® G1 are resistant up to a radiation intensity of 3 · 10² Gy.

UV resistance

iglidur® G1 plain bearings are permanently resistant to UV radiation.


In vacuum, any present moisture is released as vapour. Use in vacuum is only possible with dehumidified iglidur® G1 bearings.

Electrical properties

Specific volume resistance> 109 Ωcm
Surface resistance> 109 Ω

Ø d1
Housing H7
Plain bearing F10
Shaft h9
to 3+0,000 +0,010+0,006 +0,046-0,025 +0,000
> 3 to 6+0,000 +0,012+0,010 +0,058-0,030 +0,000
> 6 to 10+0,000 +0,015+0,013 +0,071-0,036 +0,000
> 10 to 18+0,000 +0,018+0,016 +0,086-0,043 +0,000
> 18 to 30+0,000 +0,021+0,020 +0,104-0,052 +0,000
> 30 to 50+0,000 +0,025+0,025 +0,125-0,062 +0,000
> 50 to 80+0,000 +0,030+0,030 +0,150-0,074 +0,000
> 80 to 120+0,000 +0,035+0,036 +0,176-0,087 +0,000
> 120 to 180+0,000 +0,040+0,043 +0,203+0,000 +0,100

Table 05: Important tolerances for plain bearings according to ISO 3547-1 after press-fit


Installation tolerances

iglidur® G1 plain bearings are standard bearings for shafts with h-tolerance (recommended minimum h9). The bearings are designed for press-fit into a housing machined to a H7 tolerance. After being assembled into a nominal size housing, in standard cases the inner diameter automatically adjusts to the F10 tolerances. For particular dimensions the tolerance differs depending on the wall thickness (please see product range table).

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igus® GmbH points out that it does not sell any products of the companies Allen Bradley, B&R, Baumüller, Beckhoff, Lahr, Control Techniques, Danaher Motion, ELAU, FAGOR, FANUC, Festo, Heidenhain, Jetter, Lenze, LinMot, LTi DRiVES, Mitsubishi, NUM,Parker, Bosch Rexroth, SEW, Siemens, Stöber and all other drive manufacturers mention on this website. The products offered by igus® are those of igus® GmbH